Resident Resources During COVID-19
Due to the unprecedented outbreak of COVID-19, federal, state, and local governments have developed many assistance programs for those affected by the virus. In an effort to assist residents, we have provided a brief overview of some federal, state, and local programs aimed to assist residents who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of the pandemic.
Federal Assistance
On March 27, 2020, Congress passed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, a $2.2 trillion stimulus package containing a host of tax and economic provisions intended to help both businesses and individuals. To learn more about the CARES Act, please take a look at this FAQ.
Direct Cash Payments
Every American with a valid Social Security number making less than $75,000 a year ($150,000 for married couples) will receive $1,200 each, and an additional $500 for each child. Individuals earning between $75,000 and $99,000 a year, will receive a partial payment. Your income levels will be based on your 2018 tax return, or your 2019 tax return if you’ve already filed this year. To find out how much you may receive, please click here.
The IRS launched a new online portal — Get Your Payment — where you can obtain information about the status of your payment and provide your banking information in a safe and secure manner so the IRS can make your payment via direct deposit.
Federal Pandemic Unemployment Assistance
This program expands upon the state’s unemployment benefits. States may administer an additional $600 weekly payment to eligible people who are receiving regular unemployment benefits. It also provides payment to those not traditionally eligible for unemployment benefits (ie. self-employed, independent contractors, limited work history) who are now unable to work as a direct result of the COVID-19 health emergency. In order to apply for these benefits you must first apply for regular unemployment through the State of Florida’s Reemployment Assistance program. To apply for Florida’s Reemployment Assistance, please click here. To learn more about Pandemic Unemployment Assistance, please visit the Department of Labor’s Unemployment Insurance Relief During COVID-19 Outbreak page.
Federal Aid for Small Businesses
- Small Business Administration Disaster Loan Program provides low-interest, long-term disaster loans to businesses of all sizes, private nonprofit organizations, homeowners, and renters in order to repair or replace uninsured/underinsured disaster-damaged property. For more information, please click here.
- Paycheck Protection Program provides loans up to $10 million to assist with job retention and is available for small businesses and other eligible organizations as well as those who are self-employed and independent contractors.
- Employee Retention Credit is a refundable tax credit for employers who kept their employees on the payroll, despite economic hardship caused by COVID-19. The tax credit is equal to 50% of qualified wages paid to an employee, with the maximum credit being $5,000 per employee.
Note: The SBA announced the following statement on April 16th, "SBA is unable to accept new applications at this time for the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL)-COVID-19 related assistance program (including EIDL Advances) based on available appropriations funding." This announcement also includes the Paycheck Protection Program. On April 24th, Congress replenished the EIDL program and the Paycheck Protection Program.
Department of Housing and Urban Development Resource Center
The federal Department of Housing and Urban Developement has put together their own resource center for renters across the US. Here you can find federal updates that may affect you as a renter in Florida. This page also breaks down specific resources for renters in each state.
State Assistance
Reemployment Assistance
Reemployment Assistance provides financial assistance and reemployment services to those unemployed in the State of Florida. Please click here to learn more about Reemployment Assistance. To apply for Florida’s Reemployment Assistance, please click here.*
*Unfortunately, due to current circumstances, the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) has reported issues with filing initial claims because the agency's online system keeps crashing and the call center is overloaded. In response to these issues, the DEO has allowed residents to download the application from the agency's site and mail it in. Residents can also go to CareerSource locations, which provide the applications and assist them with submitting it. To find your local CareerSource Center, please click here. FedEx is also offering free printing and mailing of the forms at more than 100 storefronts across the state.
Note: The Governor issued Executive Order 20-104 on April 16th, which suspended the biweekly reporting of "actively seeking work" requirement for claimants of unemployment benefits. Those who have obtained unemployment benefits from the State of Florida to do not have to fullfill the traditional requirement of reporting their search for employment to the state until the expiration of Executive Order 20-52.
Short Time Compensation
Short-Time Compensation (STC) permits pro-rated Reemployment Assistance benefits to employees whose work hours and earnings are reduced as part of a STC plan to avoid total layoff of some employees. Please click here to learn more.
Small Business Assistance
- Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan assists small business owners located in all Florida counties that have experienced economic damage as a result of COVID-19. These short-term, interest-free working capital loans are intended to “bridge the gap” between the time an emergency strikes and the time a business has secured longer term recovery resources, such as sufficient profits from a revived business, receipt of payments on insurance claims or federal disaster assistance.
Note: As of April 15, the Florida Small Business Emergency Bridge Loan Program no longer has funds to provide futher loans. This will be updated should more funds become available.
- Enterprise Florida Inc. (EFI) announced on April 6 that it will suspend initial fees for its Microfinance Guarantee Program to support Florida’s small business community impacted by COVID-19. EFI manages the Microfinance Guarantee Program designed to stimulate access to credit for entrepreneurs and small businesses in this state by providing targeted loan guarantees to lenders made to such entrepreneurs and small businesses. This program provides guarantees up to 50% on loans of $250,000 or less.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
- On April 30, Governor Ron DeSantis and the Department of Children and Families announced that the SNAP recipients' maximum montly allotment will be increased for the months of May, June, July, and August.
Florida Housing Finance Corporation
- Florida Housing Finance Corporation announced on May 7th that local governments will be receiving $5 million through the State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) to assist families impacted by COVID-19 with housing assitance and resources. To view this announcement, please click here.
On June 25th, the Governor announced that he will allocate $250 million in CARES Act funds for housing relief. Administered by Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC), $120 million will be provided in short-term rental assistance for COVID-19 impacted households residing at multifamily rental properties in FHFC’s portfolio. FHFC will reimburse participating properties to subsidize eligible households’ rents for each impacted month. The rental assistance will be available to help pay a household’s rent for eligible months from July through December 2020. The household may be eligible for assistance to pay rent arrearages accrued during the months of April, May and June 2020.
- FHFC property managers and owners seeking assistance for their residents must apply for these funds. To learn more about receiving these funds, please click on the link below.
A separate pool of $120 million will be released to counties based on a county’s reemployment assistance rate for the determined disbursement period. These funds would be used for rental and homeowner assistance programs such as new construction, rehabilitation, mortgage buydowns, down payment and closing cost assistance, emergency repairs and homeownership counseling for individuals impacted by COVID-19. The allocation also includes $200,000 for technical assistance to local governments. On July 17th, the Governor announced an inital $75 million would be released. The state will determine if more is needed at a later date.
- For a list of the intial $75 million released to local governments to be used for rent/mortgage relief, please click on the link below. It is important to note that these funds may replenish a local relief fund that had previously exhuasted its funds.
Local Government Programs and Other Local Assistance Resources
Alachua County CARES Individual Assistance Program
- The county recently designated $21.1 million for Individual Assistance Grants. This money can go towards rent, mortgage, utility, internet, phone and car payment assistance. Eligibility requirements include showing proof of difficulty making payments for basic living expenses. Applicants will need to provide a documented issue related to COVID-19 (i.e. furloughed / laid off). Applicant's income may not exceed 120% of the Area Median Income. Maximum assistance can be up to $5,000. The first-round of grants will be up to $2,500 with the possibility of up to an additional $2,500 in the future as funding allows. Please click here to learn more.
Note: Applications opened on August 4th.
Apartment Association of Greater Orlando Foundation Industry Relief Fund
- The Fund will provide one-time, $500 grants, to industry employees who apply and demonstrate financial need as outlined in their guidelines. To learn more, please click here.
Boca Raton Rental Assistance
- The City has approved Rental Assistance and Foreclosure Prevention Programs that can provide assistance to tenants that are delinquent on their rent payments, as well as any late fees, penalty fees and/or court costs, for the period beginning March 1, 2020 through November 30, 2020. The maximum assistance is $5,800 per household. Please click here to learn more.
Note: The City will begin accepting online applications for both programs on October 1, 2020 and continue accepting applications through November 30, 2020, pending funding availability.
Broward CARES Rental Assistance
- Months eligible for assistance are April, May, June, July and August 2020. For qualifying residents, rental assistance will be based on a range of 60-75%. For months one and two, we will pay 75% of the rent amount. For months 3, 4 and 5 of rent assistance, we will pay 60% of the rent. Landlord must agree to accept the reduced payment as payment in full for the months paid. Please click here to learn more.
Note: The application period is Monday, August 31 through Sunday, September 6, 2020, from 8AM to 10PM daily.
Broward SHIP Rental Assistance
- This program is designed to provide financial assistance to Broward County residents affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to help pay rent, homeowners association, utilities and/or related late fees. Applicants must meet certain criteria to qualify for funding. Please click here to learn more.
Brevard County Coronavirus Rental Assistance Program
- Brevard County has set up a rental and mortgage assistance program aimed at helping residents facing financial hardship due to the pandemic. The program will provide eligible applicants up to three months of rent or mortgage payments. Please click here to learn more.
Note: FAA was told on July 23rd that the program is accepting applications and that the funds are still quite healthy.
Citrus County Eviction Prevention Program
- Citrus County Housing Services has implemented an Eviction Prevention Program to assist very low-income and low-income residents impacted by the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). Please click here to learn more.
Clearwater Rent, Mortgage, and Utility Assistance Program
- This program supports eligible individuals and families who have lost their jobs or significant income due to COVID-19 with one-time assistance paying overdue rent, mortgage and utility bills for up to three months.The delinquencies must be for April 2020 and beyond. Payments will be disbursed directly to the utility, landlord, mortgage holder or other eligible agency to which the individual bills are due. Please click here to learn more.
Collier County Individual Assistance Program
- This program will assist individuals who have lost their job, been furloughed or have experienced a reduction of income due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Individuals will be awarded one-time assistance up to $11,250. Payments will be made directly to the utility agency and/or landlord. To learn more about this program, please click here.
Note: Applications are open from August 17th until 12:00PM on August 31st, 2020.
Davie Rental Eviction Prevention Program
- This program provides one-time rental and utilities assistance to eligible Town of Davie residents who have experienced loss of income, reduction in hours, or unemployment as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic only. Please click here to learn more.
Note: Applications open January 5th, 2021
Deltona Rental Assistance
- The City of Deltona is offering programs that can provide relief to Deltona residents that may or may not have been affected by the COVID-19 Pandemic. These programs include Mortgage, Rental, and Utilities Assistance. If you decide to proceed with the program please complete the on-line Pre-Screening. Funds will be paid directly to the mortgagor, landlord, or utility company. Please click here to learn more.
Note: Applications will begin on August 18th.
Escambia CARES Program
- Approximately $813,451 will be made available to assist eligible applicants impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic with rent, mortgage, and/or utility assistance. Eligible expenses must occur between March 1, 2020 and Dec. 30, 2020. Maximum assistance will be $3,000 per household and will be paid directly to the landlord, mortgage, or utility company. Total applicant's household income cannot exceed 120% Area Median Income. Please click here to learn more.
Note: Applications will be accepted beginning Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2020, through Monday, Sept. 14, 2020, or until funds have been committed.
Flagler County CARES Individual Assistance Grant
- Flagler County invested $5 million to assist individuals negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Individual grants of up to $1,000 will be available for eligible Flagler County residents. Funds from this program will assist residents in need by helping bridge financial gaps for rent, mortgage, or an eligible utility expense. Payments will be made to the applicant Applications open July 23rd. Please click here to learn more.
Fort Myers Temporary Rental and Utility Assistance
- It is designed to assist households below 80% of Area Median Income (AMI). Participants must provide proof that their hardship is due to the pandemic. The funds will provide up to $750 per month for three months for rent and utility payment assistance and foreclosure counseling. To learn more, please click here.
Note: Due to overwhelming demand, the city is no longer accepting applications for the Temporary Rental and Utility Assistance Program as of April 24th.
Fort Lauderdale Rental Assistance
- Fort Lauderdale's Housing & Community Development Office is now offering rental assistance to eligible Fort Lauderdale residents experiencing job loss due to COVID 19. Please click here to learn more.
Gainesville GNVCARES Program
- This program is designed to assist households who are in the extremely-low, very-low, low, and moderate income categories that were financially impacted during the COVID-19 pandemic with temporary rent/mortgage and utility payments for up to 6 months, not to exceed $2,500. Please click here to learn more.
Hernando County CARES Housing Assistance Program
- Hernando County with funding thru the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES ACT) has received funding from the Florida Housing Finance Corporation in the amount of $638,069.00. This funding is to provide relief to households whose income has been negatively impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19) emergency. Please click here to learn more.
Note: Applications are currently being accepted and will continue to be accepted until the county is out of funding.
Hialeah Landlord-Tenant Relief Fund
- Provides $1,000 to residents of Hialeah who have experienced financial hardship due to COVID-19. The program will provide money to residents for up to 3 months. Please click here to learn more.
Hialeah Save our Business Fund
- This fund will provide $2 million to aid business owners with financial relief. The “Landlord-Tenant Relief Fund” will provide $1 million to help residents pay their rent in order to stay in their homes.
Hillsborough County Rapid Response Recovery Assistance Program (R3)
- This program is available to help residents who meet certain criteria with past-due utility, rent, and mortgage bills. Any resident in Hillsborough County, including those residing in Tampa, Plant City, and Temple Terrace, who has seen a reduction in or loss of wages resulting from layoff or lessening of hours due to COVID-19, but who wouldn't have qualified for assistance prior to the pandemic, is eligible to apply. To find out more, please click here.
Note: Applications opened August 3rd.
Hollywood Eviction Prevention/Rental and Utility Assistance Program
- The City has entered into agreement with HOPE South Florida to provide Eviction Prevention/Rental and Utility Assistance Program funded by State Housing Initiatives Partnership Funds (SHIP) for City of Hollywood residents that have been affected by the COVID-19 Health Crisis. The maximum grant amount is up to $5,000. Please click here to learn more.
Note: As of October 20th, the city has begun accepting applications.
Homestead Rental & Utilities Assistance Grant Program
- This program is designed to provide residents who reside within the community redevelopment Agency (CRA) boundaries with a one-time assistance of up to $1,500 for one month’s rent and utilities costs. Please click here to learn more.
Homestead Small Business Emergency Recovery Grant
- The purpose of this one-time grant is to serve as gap funding until the business owner is able to receive a Small Business Administration and/or Bridge Loan, Payroll Protection Program funding or funds from other sources. The CRA will assist eligible small businesses with a grant of up to $5,000 for COVID relief assistance. Please click here to learn more.
Jacksonville Stimulus Relief Program
- This program contains $40 million in direct stimulus for individuals to aid mortgage, rent and utility payments . It will provide $1,000 in relief for 40,000 households who meet certain criteria. To learn more, please click here.
Note: No new applications for Jacksonville's Stimulus Package will be accepted at this time. On May 26th, the city council voted to replenish the program with an additional $5 million.
Jacksonville Business Relief Package
The city is setting up a financial relief package that will give $2,000 grants to 4,500 local small businesses, self-employed workers and sole proprietors. Businesses must employ fewer than 100 people and have lost as much as 25 percent of their revenue since February. The city expanded eligibility to sole proprietors or people who receive a 1099 tax form. The grants will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Business owners will apply for the money on a website that is yet to be launched. Please click here to learn more.
Kissimmee Business Assistance Program
- To provide immediate financial relief to the City of Kissimmee businesses during the COVID-19 health crisis, the City will waive all permitting, plan review, and inspections fees related to Building Permits within City limits starting on Friday, May 1, 2020, for the next 120-days. Please click here to learn more.
Kissimmee Rental Assistance Program
- The city of Kissimmee established a program to provide rental assistance to families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Please click here to learn more.
Note: New applications will be accepted from Tuesday, September 1, at 8:00 a.m. until Wednesday, September 9, at 5:00 p.m.
Lake County CARES Resident Grant Program
- On September 29, 2020 the Lake County Board of County Commissioners voted to allocate $15,000,000 in CARES Act funding to resident assistance. Eligible Lake County residents who have been negatively impacted by COVID-19 may receive up to $4,000 in rent or mortgage assistance. The program will accept applictions from Monday, October 26 at 1 p.m. through Monday, November 30 at 11 p.m. Please pre-register to be notified about the program criteria, required documents and the opening of the application cycle. Program information, eligibility requirements and FAQs will be posted here once available. Click here to learn more.
Largo Rental Assistance Program
- Its intent is to help Largo families who suffered a loss in income from COVID-19 furloughs, lay-offs, reduced hours, or company closings with mortgage or rent payments and utility costs. To learn more, please click here.
Note: Applications opened on June 4th, however as of August 8th, the city is still accepting applications.
Lauderhill CARES II Program
- The CARES II Program will assist with rent, mortgage payments, homeowner association fees, and utility bills to include water and electric for both renters and homeowners up to $10,000 per household for those who qualify. Please click here to learn more.
Note: Applications opened on August 3rd.
Lee County CARES Program
- Payments will be made directly to the landlord, mortgage company and/or utility company. Household income must be less than $55,000/year at time of application. Applicants must have had a loss of employment or reduced work hours due to COVID-19. Please click here to learn more. Round two of disbursements will begin on August 17th. Please click here to learn more about round two.
Note: Applications opened on May 26th, 2020 and the county is continuing to accept applications at this time. Roughly $10 million of the fund's total $22 million has been distributed. Applications close on August 7th, but will be reopened on August 17th.
Lee County Small Business Relaunch Program
- Intended to help offset the unintended costs of reopening or relaunching a small business as a result of being directly affected by Governor DeSantis’ Safer at Home Act. Funds can only be used to reimburse the costs of business interruption caused by required closures that are not covered by insurance or another federal program. Businesses must have 25 or fewer employees, and the business owner must be a Lee County resident. Applications begin on May 26th. Please click here to learn more.
Leon County CARES
- If you have been impacted by COVID-19, you may be eligible to receive direct assistance through Leon County’s Leon CARES program. Leon CARES expanded program eligibility and now offers up to $5,000 for past due rent, mortgage, and utilities. Please click here to learn more.
Note: Applications are currenly being accepted.
Manatee County CARES Housing Assistance Program
- The Manatee CARES Housing Assistance Program (HAP) offers relief to individuals and families residing in Manatee County facing serious financial loss due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Applications are open from June 10- June 12. Please click here to learn more.
Note: The initial round of applications are open from June 10- June 12. Round two of applications are open from August 6th- August 20th.
Martin County Coronavirus Relief Fund
- The Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) is a portion of the CARES Act. If approved by the Martin County Board of County Commissioners during their August 11, 2020 commission meeting, Martin County Human Services will begin accepting applications for Coronavirus Relief Funds which can assist with payments of rent and/or mortgage payments and certain Emergency Repairs through the Florida Housing's Coronavirus Relief Fund. The funding comes from the Florida Housing will be administered by Martin County's SHIP program.
Note: Applications will be accepted through their Online Application Portal or by calling the Human Services Office at (772) 288-5456, beginning on August 12, 2020.
Marion County Community Services Assistance
- Marion County Community Services is providing rental and mortgage payment assistance to residents financially impacted by COVID-19. May provide temporary future rent payments for up to three months for tenants financially impacted by COVID-19. Please click here to learn more or call (352) 671-8770.
Note: Applications are still being accepted.
Melbourne's Emergency Rental, Mortgage, and Public Utilities Assistance Program
- This program provides temporary assistance for up to three months of rent, mortgage and/or public utilities payments for residents affected by COVID-19. Please click here to learn more.
Note: Interested City of Melbourne residents need to complete a pre-screening checklist online to verify all required information before they start the application process. The city is currently accepting applications. For more information, please call 321-608-7530.
Miami- Dade County's Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) 2
- The Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) provides a one-time benefit to assist with one month’s rent to Miami-Dade County low and moderate income households experiencing financial hardship as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The amount of rental assistance you receive will depend on the amount of unpaid rent. You may be eligible to receive up to three months of rental assistance, but no more than $5,000 in total. To learn more, please click here.
Note: The application period will reopen at 9:00 a.m. on October 5, 2020 and close at 5:00 p.m. on October 16, 2020.
Miami-Dade COVID-19 Residential Landlord and Tenant Assistance Program
- This program is designed to assist "mom and pop" property owners and operators who have tenants that cannot pay rent. The landlords may apply on behalf of the resident as long as they meet certain critieria, including not owning more than 5 units. This program can provide up to three (3) months of past-due rent per unit, with a maximum of $5,000 per unit. Funds will be paid directly to approved landlords in the form of a grant by Miami-Dade County, which must be used solely to provide rent forgiveness in the same amount to eligible tenants. Please click here to learn more.
Note: Applications opened on Sept. 15th.
Miami-Dade County's Unlawful Retaliation Against Employees Ordinance
- This section protects non-essential employees from retaliatory measures such as termination or demotion when that employee is complying with county executive orders during a state of local emergency. If you would like to view this section of Miami-Dade County's code of ordinances, please click here.
Miami-Dade Housing Assistance Network of Dade Program (HAND)
- This program Program launched a Rental Assistance Portal on May 27th, specifically geared toward helping individuals and families impacted by the COVID-19 public health emergency. A household may be eligible to receive COVID-19 rental assistance for past due rent, current rent due, and rent for upcoming months. Please click here to learn more.
Note: The county is no longer accepting applications for this program.
Miami's Micro-Enterprise Assistance Program
- If you own a business that was deemed “unessential” with 5 or less employees, you may be eligible for up to $10,000 in forgivable loans. To learn more please click here.
Note: As of May 4th, the city is no longer accepting applications for their micro-enterprise assistance program.
Miami's Emergency Rentals and Utilities Assistance Program
- If a resident lost their job due to COVID-19, the city will provide a one-time payment up to $1.5k on behalf of residents directly to landlords and utility companies. Please click here to learn more.
Note: As of May 4th, the city is no longer accepting applications for their rental assistance program.
Miami's Eviction Prevention Program
- The Eviction Prevention Program (EPP), for eligible renter households within City limits provides up to $3,500 (one-time) towards the rental arrears of qualifying City households who are: (1) 80% Area Median Income or below*; (2) experienced job loss or income reduction on or after March 1st due to COVID-19; and (3) submit a completed application package that includes photocopies of all required supporting documents. Please click here to learn more.
Note: Applications are open on Monday, August 3, through Friday, August 14.
Miramar Rent and Utilities Assistance
- The City will make rent or utility payments of up to $7,000 for income-eligible households with no repayment required during the coronavirus pandemic. The program is limited to Miramar residents who earn up to 80 percent of the area median income based on household size. The city said it will begin accepting applications May 22. Please click here to learn more.
Monroe County COVID-19 Rental and Mortgage Assistance
- Monroe County will be distributing funding totaling $838,069 to Monroe County residents who are behind in their mortgage or rent payments due to COVID-19 hardships. Documents needed for eligibility include the application, a copy of the applicant’s driver’s license or identification card, a lease or deed in the name of the applicant, a statement from the landlord or bank showing the applicant is behind in payments, and a notarized self-certification of income and assets. Please click here to learn more.
Note: Applications opened on August 4th.
Nassau County CARES Individual Rental Assistance Program
- The Nassau County Commission has approved the use of the CRF funds to assist in the rental and mortgage payments for eligible applicants meeting HUD income guidelines. An applicant's income may not exceed 80% of the area median income. Applicants with any reduction in income, termination/layoff of employment) that occur between March 1, 2020 and December 30, 2020 due to COVID-19 are eligible. To learn more, please click here.
Note: Applications are open from August 10th to August 24th.
Northeast Florida Community Action Agency Rental Assistance Program
- NFCAA received $5 million dollars in CARES Act funding that will be used for various assistance programs. These programs will assist residents with rent and utility payments residing in Baker, Clay, Duval, Flagler, Putnam and St. Johns Counties. Please click here to learn more.
Note: Applications opened on August 4th.
Okaloosa County Small Business Recovery Grant Program
- Okaloosa County, in partnership with the Florida SBDC at UWF, has created a Small Business COVID-19 Recovery Grant Program to assist businesses impacted by COVID-19. In order to qualify the business must be a for-profit, privately-held small business that maintains a storefront location in Okaloosa County and/or the City of Fort Walton Beach. Applications open May 26th. Please click here to learn more.
Orange County Eviction Diversion Program
- This new program is designed to provide an alternative to eviction for the housing provider. Participation in the program will be voluntary, but once initiated, the landlord must halt their eviction proceeding. $20 Million in CARES Act funds will be allocated to the eviction diversion program. The county (for approved applications) will cover 100% of the past due rent (accrued between April 1st - September 1st) up to three month total with a maximum payout of $4,000. Any remaining (past due) balance must be "forgiven" by the housing provider. Please click here to learn more.
Note: Applications will open on on August 25th. The landlord and the resident must both agree to participate in this program.
Orange County CARES Individual and Family Assistance Program
- The program will provide a one-time payment of $1,000 per household for residents affected by COVID-19. Funds for this program will assist residents to bridge financial gaps for rent, mortgage, medical or an eligible utility expense. To learn more about this program, please click here.
Note: Orange County is no longer accepting applications for the CARES Individual and Family Assistance Program. The program will reopen on Monday, October 12th at 8:00 a.m
Orange County's Rental Assistance Program
- The rental assistance program will provide those that apply and qualify with one month's rent. In order to qualify, the resident must have experienced financial hardship from an "unforeseen event." To learn more about this program, please click here.
Note: As of April 1st, Orange County is no longer accepting applications for the Rental Assistance Program.
Orange County Small Business Fund
- The program will provide one-time grants of $10,000 to qualifying businesses to cover normal business expenses incurred between March 1 and Dec. 30 such as employee wages, vendor bills and rent. The money is expected to benefit 6,500 small businesses in Orange County. Must be a brick-and-mortar Orange County business with no more than 25 employees. The Application period begins June 8. Please click here to learn more.
Note: Applications reopen on August 10th.
Osceola County Emergency Rental & Mortgage Assistance
- This program provides financial assistance to families in need. Please click here to learn more.
Note: The emergency rental & mortgage assistance application is available from August 3rd- August 10th.
Osceola County Eviction Diversion Program
- Funded by Federal CARES Act money, the program is designed to help Osceola County tenants who are in imminent danger of being evicted. Please click here to learn more.
Note: Applications will open soon.
Osceola County Utility Assitance
- Utility Assistance to provide funding to residents who have not been able to pay electric or water bills. Participants must be an Osceola County resident, show proof of impact from COVID-19 and have a past due electric, gas or water bill. There is no cap on the amount an applicant is eligible to receive. The program is open only to residential properties. Please click here to learn more.
Note: Note: Applications for COVID-19 utility assistance are available beginning October 5th, 2020 at 8 a.m. through October 12th, 2020 at 8 a.m.
Osceola County Housing Assistance
- Criteria includes: proof of loss of income, current lease in applicant’s/co-applicant’s name, W-9 form from your landlord, property manager or mortgage company. Please click here to learn more.
Note: Applications for COVID-19 housing assistance are available beginning October 5th, 2020 at 8 a.m. through October 12th, 2020 at 8 a.m.
One Tampa: Relief Now, Rise Together Fund
- The City of Tampa has established the Relief Now, Rise Together Fund to provide financial relief to eligible small businesses, families, and individuals negatively impacted by local COVID-19 orders. For eligible applicants, the program will provide direct payments for up to one month’s rent or mortgage plus one or more essential utility costs (water, gas, electric). To learn more about this program, please click here.
Note: The City of Tampa is no longer accepting applications for the One Tampa: Relief Now, Rise Together Fund.
Palm Beach County CARES Restart Business Grants Program
- Palm Beach County has set aside $60 million to help businesses through the CARES Restart Business Grants Program. Businesses may be eligible to receive grant funds & forgivable loans to help lessen the financial burden suffered due to COVID-19. Each business can get up to $25,000. Please click here to learn more.
Palm Beach County Rental and Utility Assistance Program
The Palm Beach County Community Services Department is now offering a rental and utilities assistance program for residents whose finances have suffered during the coronavirus pandemic. The relief program will provide one-time rental and utility assistance to residents who have experienced loss of income, decrease in hours or unemployment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Applicants can receive assistance only once, but can apply for multiple relief services. To apply for this program, please click here.
Note: Applications are open from June 29th- August 14th. On Oct. 7, 2020, the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners will resume the acceptance of the rental and utility applications.
Palm Beach Gardens Unemployment Residents Relief Fund
- This program will provide a onetime, $250 Publix gift card to a limited number of residents to offset daily living costs. Please click here to learn more.
- This program will provide economic support to Pasco County residents who have suffered employment or business interruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The program is designed to help with rent or mortgage payments, utility and phone bills, car payments, and Property Association fees for homeowners. To learn more, please click here.
Note: Due to the overwhelming response, the Pasco CARES application is now closed. Please continue to monitor their webpage for any updates.
Pembroke Pines Emergency Rent and Utilities Fund
- Pembroke Pines has established a fund to provide past due rent and utility payment relief for residents who are impacted by COVID-19 with a maximum benefit of $5,000 per household. Click here for more information.
Pinellas County CARES Small Business Grants
- Pinellas County has initially identified up to $35 million in emergency relief funds to support
the small businesses hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program will offer one-time $5,000 grants to qualifying small businesses to cover expenses such as employee wages, vendor bills and rent. Please click here to learn more.
- Pinellas County has initially identified up to $35 million in emergency relief funds to support
Pinellas County CARES Financial Assistance
- The program will provide up to $4,000 to adults and families who have been impacted by COVID-19 for one-time assistance to pay necessary expenses, such as rent and utilities. To learn more, please click here.
Polk County Business and Rental Assistance
- Qualified Polk County residents and small business owners may now apply online for financial assistance through Polk’s portion of the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act grant. The online application process will require residents and business owners to fill out a form, and attach verifying documentation with the application. For more information, please click here.
Port St. Lucie Emergency Rental and Mortgage Assistance Grant Program
- In response to the substantial financial hardships of COVID-19, the city is providing an Emergency Rental and Mortgage Assistance Grant Program. Assistance is limited to a one-time payment equal to a maximum of 2 months' rent, not to exceed $3,000. Please click here to learn more.
Note: the city is no longer accepting applications for this grant program.
Seminole County CARES Program
- Residents who’ve been financially impacted due to the coronavirus pandemic will be eligible to apply for up to $5,000 in grants to help cover rent, mortgage and utilities cost. Please click here to learn more.
Note: The Seminole CARES Individual Assistance Grant Online Application Portal launched Wednesday, August 26, 2020 and has been suspended as of Friday, September 4, 2020 at 11:59PM as review of applications occurs. If funding is not exhausted, the Assistance Portal will reopen for new applications.
Seminole County
- The Division of Community Assistance offers financial help to Seminole County residents who have experienced an unexpected financial hardship for Rent, Mortgage, Utilities (Electric, Water & Gas) and for Rental & Utility Security Deposits. Please click here for more information.
Note: The County is no longer accepting applications for their relief program.
St. Johns County CARES Individual Assistance Program
- The St. Johns County Board of County Commissioners approved Phase I of a $46 million CARES Act funding program in response to COVID-19. Applicants must demonstrate a twenty-five percent or greater loss of household income due to COVID-19 and household Income of less than 140 percent AMI. Please click here to learn more.
Note: The county is now accepting applications until Oct. 31st or until funds dry up.
St. Johns County Small Back to Business Grant Program
- The goal of this County grant program is to help offset the temporary loss of revenue and help keep our small businesses open during and after this global pandemic by providing emergency funding for qualified local businesses. St. Johns County businesses may apply to the program for up to $5,000 in emergency grant funding. For more information, please visit the Business Assistance page.
St. Lucie County CARES Individual Assistance Program
- This program will provide a one-time payment to eligible St. Lucie County residents who have suffered an economic hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Applicants are eligible for a onetime payment of up to $4,000. A comprehensive list of documentation is listed on the application, but you will need to submit necessary income documentation, and rental notice from your landlord stating the amount due or utility statements, among other required documents. Please click here to learn more.
Note: The county is currently accepting applications at this time.
St. Petersburg Fighting Chance Fund
- The Fighting Chance Fund will provide $5,000 grants for local businesses, while employees who have been laid-off or furloughed during the pandemic may receive up to $500 in aid.
Tamarac Residential Assistance Program
- The purpose of this program is to provide emergency assistance to families impacted by COVID-19. Forms of assistance include mortgage, rent, and utility payments. Please click here to learn more.
Titusville Emergency Assistance Program
- The City’s COVID-19 Emergency Assistance Program, funded by the CARES Act opened applications on June 1st. This program provides assistance with rent and/or utilities, up to three months, for households that have been impacted by the COVID-19 virus and experienced a loss or reduction in income. Please click here to learn more.
University of North Florida Student Emergency Relief Fund
- The University of North Florida community has committed almost $700,000 in direct funds for the University of North Florida’s Student Emergency Relief Fund. The fund provides scholarships to students facing financial hardship due to the coronavirus pandemic. To learn more, please click here.
Note: The request for Summer funding is closed. The request form for the Fall 2020 semester will be active on August 17, 2020. Awards, if granted, are applied to student accounts and follow the financial aid schedule.
Volusia County's Rental Assistance
- Volusia County has created a program to assist households that have been financially impacted by COVID-19. The program was created with $5 million from CARES funds. Rental assistance may be provided to eligible households for up to three months, however, the amount of assistance is capped at $1,500.00/month. In order to qualify, the household income must be at or below the Area Median Income Level (AMI) of $77,880, among other criteria. To learn more about this program, please click here.
Note: The Volusia County Council allocated another $5 million on July 21st in emergency rent and mortgage assistance to help local residents impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. With the pandemic still taking a financial toll, the Volusia County Council allocated another $5 million on September 30th to help local residents struggling to make their housing payments.
Volusia's Small Business Reopening Grant Program
- The County of Volusia is allocating up to $10 million in emergency relief to support local businesses with a commercial presence within the County who have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Please click here to learn more.
Volusia's Relaunch Volusia Home-Based Business Grant Program
On June 16, the Volusia County Council approved a $3 million grant program to assist home-based businesses in the county that have sustained financial impacts from the coronavirus crisis. For home-based businesses that meet the eligibility criteria, they can qualify for a one-time grant of $1,500. The $3 million allocation is enough to provide 2,000 grants, which will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Please click here to learn more.
West Palm Beach COVID-19 Rental Eviction Protection Program
- The COVID-19 Rental Eviction Prevention Program provides one-time rental assistance to eligible West Palm Beach residents who have experienced loss of income, reduction in hours, or unemployment as a result of the COVID-19. Please click here to learn more.
National Non-profits
Another Round Another Rally
Another Round Another rally provides grants to chefs, servers, bartenders, dishwashers, sommeliers, managers or someone who holds any other type of hospitality role, they may be able to help. Another Round Another Rally is offering $500 relief grants for hospitality workers who lost their jobs or had their hours slashed in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. To apply for a grant, please click here.
Bartender Emergency Assistance Program
- The Bartender Emergency Assistance Program provides relief to bartenders and others in the service industry who have been affected by COVID-19. To learn more, please click here.
Feeding America
- Feeding America is providing emergency food banks for people affected by COVID-19. To find your local distribution center please click here.
Golden Rule Charity
- The Golden Rule Charity provides grants to hospitality workers in need. To learn more, please click here.
Resident Relief Foundation
- The Resident Relief Foundation provides rental assistance for residents who are facing eviction for the first time. Please click here for more information.
Restaurant Employee Relief Fund
- The Restaurant Employee Relief Fund helps restaurant industry employees who are experiencing hardship as a result of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak. Through this fund, grants will be made to restaurant industry employees who have been financially impacted by COVID-19, whether it was through a decrease in wages or loss of employment. If you would like to donate to this fund or learn more about it, please click here.
United Way Fund
- United Way assists local organizations in helping those affected by COVID-19. United Way has local organizations with local funds all across the state. To find your local United Way, please click here.
- Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE) Fund. The ALICE Fund provides rent, mortgage and utility assistance to help prevent eviction and homelessness.
Internet Services
- Comcast is providing free internet access for low-income customers
- Xfinity will refrain from charging late fees or disconnecting service for customers that call and let them know they cannot pay their bills during this time.
- Spectrum will not charge late fees or terminate service for households and small business customers affected by COVID-19 financially.
- Mediacom will not disconnect service or assess late fees to any customer who calls and informs the company that they cannot pay their bill during this period.
- COX has pledged that for 60 days through May 15, they will waive late fees and won’t terminate service for residential and small business customers affected financially by COVID-19.
- AT&T will waive late fees and won’t terminate service of any wireless, home phone or broadband residential or small business customer affected financially by the coronavirus pandemic.