2025 Leadership Lyceum | Call for Interest

Posted By: Marci French FAA News,
Leadership Lyceum Class 2025 | Interest Form and Program Information

Quick Reference Links
Interest Form | Schedule and Requirements | Selection Process | Module Descriptions | Policy

What is Leadership Lyceum?Leadership Lyceum

The FAA Leadership Lyceum develops well-informed and highly motivated emerging multifamily housing volunteer leaders: people with a broad-based vision for, and commitment to the mission and strategic objectives of the Florida Apartment Association and its local associations. More info here.

This program cultivates current and future volunteer leaders who will guide and develop associations. Participants should expect content to be thought provoking, engaging, and to cover challenging or sensitive topics as we work to build well-rounded, future-focused, volunteer leaders. A more detailed description of each of the modules is provided here.

Interested in participating?

Candidates interested in participating in the 2025 FAA Leadership Lyceum should submit the interest form. The deadline to express interest is October 31, 2024.

By submitting the interest form you agree that, if selected, you will fully participate in the FAA Leadership Lyceum program including:

  • Attend each of the four modules
    • February 3, 2025 | Tallahassee, FL
    • May 19, 2025 | Hutchinson Island, FL
    • July 2025 | Virtual Module
    • August 2025 | Virtual Module
  • Attend Impact (Legislative Conference) | Location TBA 
    • February 4 & 5, 2025 | Tallahassee, FL
  • Attend Inspire (Annual Conference) | Disney's Coronado Springs Resort
    • November 5-7, 2025 | Orlando, FL
  • Attend at least one FAA Board Meeting
  • Pay $300 registration fee (includes books and some meals)

A limited number of scholarships may be available to candidates with an expressed need. To review scholarship criteria please click here

Selection Process

Each local affiliate association executive will have the opportunity to select two management members and one Florida Supplier Council member to participate. Any remaining spots once those selections have been made will be filled by the Leadership Lyceum Committee. All candidates will be notified of their selection status prior to the end of the year.

Module Descriptions and Topics

Each component of the Lyceum program is highly interactive and includes opportunities for candidates to engage in team building activities, discussions, and peer-to-peer engagement.

  • Module I | Advocacy
    • Participants will learn about the role associations like FAA play in shaping and influencing public policy, engagement, and the importance of grassroots advocacy. 
  • Module II | Seated at the Table - The Evolution of Association Leadership
    • Associations have a responsibility to provide an environment where leaders with a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences have a "seat at the table." In this module participants will learn about unconscious bias, diversity, representation, and gain perspective on how they can be part of building a "big tent" association.
  • Module III | Governance
    • Ever wondered what a Board member's "job" really is? This module dives deep into board responsibilities, expectations, association staffing, financial responsibilities, and much more. There may or may not be a game show and real prizes!
  • Module IV | Legal & Ethical Responsibilities
    • In the final module of Leadership Lyceum, participants will discuss the Duty of Care, Duty of Loyalty, and a board member's fiduciary responsibility. Additionally, participants will break out into small groups to discuss ethical scenarios and the importance of operating ethically. 

Submit your interest in Leadership Lyceum here!