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Navigating the CDC Eviction Moratorium

Tuesday, September 22, 2020
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM (EDT)

Event Details

On September 1, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) ordered a halt to certain evictions only under certain specific circumstances through December 31, 2020. It has been all over the news media as an Eviction Moratorium but actually it is NOT really a Moratorium. Only some evictions are impacted and the Resident MUST meet certain criteria and serve a Declaration to you or the court in order to be protected.

If the Resident does serve that Declaration and you file a nonpayment of rent eviction or continue one in progress, there are severe criminal and civil penalties that can be imposed. On top of the CDC Order is the State Executive Order set to expire on October 1 which further complicates matters. Confused yet? It is not as complicated as it appears!

Join the Florida Apartment Association where attorneys Harry Heist and Ryan McCain will give you a FREE members-only webinar where you will learn how the CDC order and State Order impacts you.

Learn how to successfully file evictions NOW, learn what you can and cannot do AND most importantly learn the best practices to keep you in control and out of trouble!

Register Now

For More Information:

Amanda White
Amanda White
CAE Florida Apartment Association (407)960-2910