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2020 FAA Annual Meeting

Thursday, October 15, 2020
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM (EDT)

Live Broadcast

* Registration open until 10/15/20 at 11:00 AM (EST)

Event Details

The 2020 FAA Annual Meeting will be broadcast live on Thursday, October 15, 2020, at 10 a.m. EDT. Education, governance, recognition, and celebration will all be part of this first-ever virtual event. The agenda, which is still being finalized, will include a keynote presentation, “Making My Mark: My Journey to Becoming the First Female NFL Official,” by Sarah Thomas. Additional components will include:

  • The State of the Association address by Josh Gold, FAA executive vice president 
  • Remarks from FAA President Katie Wrenn and President-Elect Kimberly Maggard
  • Recognition of the FAA 2019-2020 Officers
  • Installation of the FAA 2020-2021 Officers
  • Recognition of major donors to the FAA Apartment Political Action Committee (APAC)
  • Celebration of 2020 FAA Leadership Lyceum graduates

Tickets to this web-based event are complimentary to all FAA members.

Participants in this meeting are eligible for 1.5 continuing education credits.

For More Information:

Rona Long
Rona Long
Florida Apartment Association (407)960-2910